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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Child Brides in Afghanistan

A photo essay featuring Afghan men and their young brides will appear in this Sunday's New York
 Times Magazine. Photographer Stephanie Sinclair, who captured the stunning images of the 
men with brides as young as 11 years old, talks with Alex Chadwick talks about the global issue 
of child brides.
Numbers are hard to verify, but one estimate by the Population Council, an international research 
group, is that about 1 in every 7 girls in the developing world (excluding China) gets married before 
her 15th birthday.
In Afghanistan, it is not uncommon for parents to give their daughters over to marriage to settle 
debts or resolve family or clan disputes. In hard times, it can save the girl from a life of poverty and 
hunger. But as Sinclair found in her travels through the countryside, the practice is also deeply
entrenched in Afghan culture.
Original link & look more photos:

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