Writing in Elaph.com on March 7, 2005 Saudi author Wajiha
Al-Huweidar explained: “All of the Arab regimes are U.N. members and
have ratified the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights, which clearly
establishes justice and equality in the rights and obligations of all
Despite this, women in our chauvinist countries are still considered the property of their relatives. All Arab countries, without exception, harbor covert animosity and open discrimination against women. To
this day, all official bodies reject any scientific discussion of a
solution to women’s problems – while on the other hand the men, who
benefit from women’s oppression, continue to regurgitate [the mant r a]
that ‘women are respected’ [in Arab and Muslim societies]…
“Arab countries’ legislation patently discriminates against
women and clearly denies their rights, which affronts them as human
beings. They are still treated as though they contaminate purity, and
arouse temptation and immorality.
What is astounding is that most Arabs, at all levels and in every
area – whether governments, institutions, or individuals – still
consider women’s issues a religious issue, and thus believe that her
concerns should be dealt with through outdated chauvinist [religious]
“An improvement in women’s status will not come through invalid
solutions which have been proven ineffectual. The laws grant female
citizens only half a voice, diminish women’s rights, classify them as
having only partial sense, denigrate their importance, doubt their
capabilities, permit beating and banishing them, permit their caging
within four walls, allow their husbands to treat them as they see fit,
and allow them to be bought and sold according to legal agreements.
When women fail [in matters forbidden by religious law], the laws welcome their barbarous execution. “These
laws are clearly no longer suited to an era in which cats and dogs in
the developed world have more rights than Arab women, and more even than
those of Arab men…
“Women’s problems, which await a solution, are not religious
problems, but are purely legal. They should be addressed in accordance
with the international declarations that guarantee human liberty and
honor ratified by all the countries of the world, in the East and West,
including the confused Arab countries…
“The legislation which curtails women’s rights as citizens must be
replaced by legislation guaranteeing their full rights. This does not
require wasting time on discussions, consultations, interpretations and
counter-interpretations, debates and conferences … because it is nothing
new for Islamic countries to change their form of government or to
repeal their religious legislation so as to adapt these to their
international interests and to the requirements of the era in which they
“It is known that in the Muslim countries the system permitting
buying and selling slaves was abolished, as was the jizya [poll tax]
system imposed on the dhimmi s – the Jews and the Christians – from the
Islamic conquests until the last century. This is despite the fact that
there are still religious texts that permit slave trading and thepoll
tax – but both of these were suppressed so that [Muslims] could act
according to [modern values]…
“These practices were abolished years ago, and people have forgotten them… because they violated civil and human rights…
It is also time to abolish all chauvinistic interpretations that
incite to violence, discriminate, and persecute women, and deprive them
of their rights…” [2]
Wajiha Al-Huweidar: “Discrimination Against Arab Women Begins in Utero”
Al-Huweidar discussed the never-ending cycle of discrimination
against Arab women in a pervious article in Elaph.com on February 5,
“The cycle of discrimination against women generally starts at home.
From an early age, sons receive the lion’s share (double that of
the daughter) of love, money spent on them, status, and even education.
Many families send their sons to private schools but their daughters to public schools, so the sons receive a better education.
The son grows up to be an engineer, a doctor, an officer, or
whatever he wants; the daughter grows up to be a wife, a mother, and
later a grandmother.
Boys have opportunities, whereas girls have duties…
“The second phase of the cycle of discrimination against women is
in the schools. In most Arab schools, boys and girls are separated.
The overall goal of Arab schools, especially the state schools, is
to reshape the pupil, and to work towards distorting [the personality]
so as to make him a submissive citizen.
Girls, however, receive much larger doses of submissiveness and prevention of thinking…
“The last phase of the cycle of discrimination is the workplace.
The working woman in the Arab world is of course no more than a
servant, slaving away outside her own home while raising her children
within it – except for women from the Gulf, who have housekeepers to
assist them.
Yet the discrimination prevalent among Gulf women, especially
Saudis, is even harsher and crueler in every aspect. Most labor laws do
not treat the Arab woman equitably, and she also suffers from
[harassment] and racism…
“In the Arab countries, and especially the Gulf countries, the
cycle of discrimination against women begins when they are still in
utero. It continues when they emerge into the world, and goes on until
According to the male interpretation, women are always ‘lewdness and pudenda’ and part of the time ‘impure’…
“Women are considered ‘mentally and religiously deficient’ – yet
it was the mothers of the Muslims [i.e. the Prophet's wives] who taught
many of the religion’s precepts and principles.
Women are ‘weak and controlled by their emotions’ – yet they are
charged with educating the young generation, the country’s source of
pride… Women are ‘temptation’ – yet they were created for men to trust,
and to give [men] a sense of tranquility.
Women ‘have more tricks than Satan’ – yet men take two, three, or
four wives. Women are ‘vases’ which must be handled gently to avoid
scratching them – yet they are banished from the conjugal bed and beaten
“From cradle to grave, women are prohibited from being their own
masters because they are ‘incompetent and incapable of responsibility
for their own affairs’ – yet the Prophet’s dearest and most beloved wife
['Aisha] headed the first opposition in Islam, led an entire army, and
conducted a crucial historic battle [i.e. the Battle of the Camel in
“This abhorrent cycle of discrimination in which the Arab woman
lives began centuries ago, yet still exists today – fastened around her
neck and restricting her movements, as if she were born [only]
This suffocating cycle wastes the talents of half of society – the
more human and more giving half… The most important question today is:
What is the best way to break out of the cycle of discrimination against
Arab women?…” [3]
Dr. Iqbal Al-Gharbi: “Any Misogynist Can Find What He Seeks in a Partial Reading of Islam’s Teachings”
Asking whether Islam really honored women, Dr. Iqbal Al-Gharbi, a
Tunisian lecturer in psychology at Al-Zaytouna University in Tunis,
wrote an article on metransparent.com on March 13, 2005:
“All the international reports highlight the Muslim world’s many
failings in gender equality. Moreover, the 2003 U.N. [Arab] Human
Development Report attributed the failure of development in our region
to three main shortcomings:
lack of knowledge,
lack of freedoms, and
lack of gender equality.
These reports are based on numerous important indicators, such as
the 60% illiteracy among women, and women’s [low] representation in
decision-making positions – women’s representation in Arab parliaments
does not exceed 6%.
“The contemptible circumstances of Muslim women takes on
nightmarish proportions when we hear of crimes of honor not only in
Bedouin areas, but also across continents and oceans, and haunting women
in Islamic communities in Britain and Scandinavia – or when we read a UNICEF
report indicating demographic catastrophe in India because of families
who, in their desire for sons, have done away with 40 million female
fetuses through voluntary abortion.
“Further, the way of life in the Islamic world underscores the
primitive nature of social relations between man and woman. The woman’s
role is to concede to and appease the man on a daily basis, in all
possible ways, out of fear of divorce. This occurs in societies that to
this day have been unable to give women the right to live alone,
independent of the protection of patriarchal authority… The inability of
Muslim society to accept women as mature beings is what causes our
failure at modernity, since modernity is first and foremost the right of
the individual – man or woman – to own his or her own body and mind…
“The religious discourse that discriminates against women occurs on three levels: establishment, imagery, and justification.
“In terms of the establishment, it is crystal clear that
official religious activity makes man an intermediary between heaven and
earth, and puts him in charge of sacred matters… According to religious
law, Allah reserved certain roles for men: prophecy, divine mission,
the caliphate, jihad, the sounding of the call to prayer, and the
delivering of sermons. Women’s participation in these sacred roles
alongside men is, of course, a forbidden innovation. These acts of
distancing women [from these roles] is undoubtedly
one of the reasons for the fundamental discrepancy between the [good]
intentions [favoring equality for women] that appear in the Koran and
the historical reality, in which chauvinistic custom, habit, and
tradition prevail…
“In terms of imagery, there is a salient contrast between [Islam's]
innovations [regarding women] and the burden of cultural heritage
[which weighs upon] religious discourse and further degrades the woman
in the popular imagination… Religious discourse contains dual imagery of
women that on the one hand sanctifies and glorifies her, yet on the
other hand disparages her…
“Women occupy a place of honor in every literary or artistic piece,
and in every work of art or epic. Moreover, some fanatical clerics
write splendid love poetry about the woman, praising her and honoring
her loyalty, motherhood, and devotion. However, this ideal and abstract
image of the woman contradicts the reality of women’s lives.
“Consequently… there are also images that condemn women, and there
are religious traditions that blame all the [Muslim] nation’s
difficulties and disasters on women. The woman is Eve, created as a
companion for Adam in his loneliness in the Garden of Eden. Her evil
nature led her to tempt him, bringing about his banishment from the
garden, where he was supposed to live forever. The woman is Zalikha, the
wife of Al-’Aziz [Potiphar's wife in the Koran], who represents
unbridled libido and who wanted to seduce the prophet Joseph. One of the
effects of this story on the collective unconscious is to render
‘artifice’ and ‘treachery’ synonymous with ‘woman’…
“…Any misogynist can find what he seeks in a partial reading of
Islam’s teachings – since [it is written in the Koran that] men are the
custodians of women, the husband is entitled to banish his wife and to
discipline her with beatings. He is permitted to rape her… [and] the
testimony of two women is considered equivalent to that of one man.
“This misogynistic Islam is based on an ideology focused on the
natural differences between the sexes… in order to justify
discrimination against women. This is based on theories found in ancient
Greek thought. For example, the woman represents nature while the man
represents culture; the man excels in vitality and warmth while the
woman is characterized by frigidity and negativity; the man is rational
while the woman is emotional; the man is strong while the woman is
fragile and weak, etc… Natural evidence plays a fundamental role in
justifying religious discourse, since it is presented as
incontrovertible and incontestable. This is despite the fact that the
natural order, on which the fanatics rely, does not hold up [in light
of] modern biology, history, and anthropology…” [4]
Dr. Munjiyah Al-Sawaihi: “I Look Beyond the Horizon and See Nothing but the Tightening of the Noose Around the (Arab) Woman”
Presenting Tunisia’s family law as an example of progressive
legislature on the status of women, Dr. Munjiyah Al-Sawaihi, a Tunisian
lecturer in Islamic Studies at the Higher Institution of Religion at
Al-Zaytouna University in Tunis, wrote in an article on
metransparent.com on March 19, 2005: “Thank God we live in Tunisia.
Women [here] live in the light of laws that keep misogynistic ideas
limited to words alone, spoken among narrow circles only.
“However, elsewhere in the world, these misogynistic ideas are put
into practice, and women are marginalized … under the illusion that the
man is protecting them – although he is not in fact able to even protect
“In addition, ignorant clerics are to this day controlling and
dominating [public] thought in order to sanctify women’s inferiority
through their chauvinistic interpretations of religious texts. These
interpretations support discrimination against women, like the story
about Eve being created from Adam’s rib and [thus] being subject to him,
and being bent since her very creation – and if you attempt to
straighten it, the rib breaks. These interpretations still exist in
“On one of the Islamic satellite TV channels, the Koranic verse
about wife-beating was interpreted to mean beating with a toothpick –
blows that do not wound or break [bones], avoiding the face. Bravo! What
genius in innovative interpretation and reading of a religious text!…
“Is it logical that on a religious program marking the celebration
of [Women's Day] 2005, we hear discourse allowing legal wife-beating?
Aren’t those using this discourse, and the people around them, familiar
with the prophetic traditions [ Hadith ] forbidding wife-beating?…
Aren’t they familiar with the human rights laws and the international
conventions forbidding discrimination against women?
“The question that must be asked is what the Arab and Islamic
countries have given women on their world day of celebration. I look
beyond the horizon and see nothing. I see nothing but the tightening of
the noose around the woman, to the point where she is prevented from
owning her own face. [Her face] is the property of the man, and she must
not uncover it. Of what modernization in women’s issues can these
countries speak, when the men of this world pass a law permitting the
stoning of the woman [for violating religious convention], because she
[harmed] man’s honor? Has he any honor in the world of today?”
Dr. Al-Sawaihi spoke of Tunisian family law as a light “in the
darkness enveloping women’s rights in the Arab and Islamic world.”
According to this law, the woman has the right to choose her own
husband, and to marry at age 17 without a guardian’s permission. The
wedding will take place only if both parties desire it, and polygamy is
forbidden. The couple’s relationship is based on cooperation, not on the
wife’s obedience to the husband. The husband is head of the family, and
responsible for making a living. If the wife has means of her own, she
helps him support the family, but he has no control over her funds.
Parents are responsible for supporting daughters until they marry or
until they find work with which they can support themselves.
According to Dr. Al-Sawaihi, the most important innovation in
Tunisian family law concerns divorce. In Tunisia, divorce can be decreed
only by a court of law; the husband cannot divorce his wife
arbitrarily. The child of divorced parents lives with his or her mother.
The father must pay alimony and child support, and if he does not, the
mother is paid from a special fund for divorcees. The father may not
take the child abroad without the mother’s permission, and the mother
has the authority to decide on child-rearing matters. Moreover, the
child of a Tunisian mother is a Tunisian citizen even if his father is
not. Tunisia’s law also deals with eliminating gender discrimination in
employment, and punishes all forms of violence against women.
After presenting examples of Tunisia’s progressive family law, Dr.
Al-Sawaihi concludes her article with a call to Arab intellectuals “to
address the problem of the woman courageously and with strong resolve –
and not to settle for sidestepping it out of fear of reactionary
forces.” [5]
Dr. Raja bin Salama: “If You Look at a Woman Enveloped in the
Hijab, You Will Read on it: No Courting. No Loving. No Looking. No
To mark Valentine’s Day, Tunisian author and researcher Dr. Raja
bin Salama wrote on metransparent.com on February 2, 2005 of the Arabs’
hatred of love: “For a long time, Arab men have boasted of powerful love
in song and story, but have not actually lost their wits or their
bearings and have never boasted of powerful love for their wives –
because the wife must remain subject to the laws of marriage as set out
by Shari’a, not to the laws of love…
“The Islamic Shari’a, like most ancient laws, did not respect
women. The songs and poems ‘honor the woman’… But love runs counter to
the manly ideology based on control… [So] began the denigration of
passion, after centuries filled with songs of love and passion, and
tales of lovers.
“In the 10th century, [the poet Abu Al-Tayyib] Al-Mutanabi mocked
the poetry of love and preferred a riding animal to a woman, and a
desert voyage to love. In the 12th century, the [cleric close to Muslim
mystic circles Muhammad] Al-Ghazali referred … to passion as a deviation
from the path of righteousness, as decline, and also as ‘the disease of
an empty heart…’ In the 13th century, the [preacher and cleric] Ibn
Al-Jawzy wrote the book In Condemnation of Passion…
“And so we come to our time, to black woolen robes that turn
women into faceless creatures, lumps of flesh sold at tribal auctions,
and to scarves that cover the head and face and arouse morbid yearnings
for white shrouds and wrapped-up corpses… If you look at the body of a
woman enveloped in the hijab, you will read on it the following signs:
No courting. No loving. No looking. No touching. And if one of these is
permitted, it is behind the hijab, beneath the slogan, ‘If you rebel,
conceal yourself,’ or ‘If you rebel, let none rebel after you.’
“Today, despite all the programs and conferences on the struggle
against terror, the clerics of terror – who go wild regarding anything
connected to women, men, love, hate, and sex – continue … to forbid
celebrating Valentine’s Day so that man remains the guardian and woman
remains a creature practically unfit to live and practically unworthy of
being seen, from whose body the aura of Hell arises…
“The tragedy of sex and passion among the Muslim Arabs has today
reached the point where the intellectuals and enlightened amongst them
seek to enshrine in law that type of prostitution that Islam recognizes
as mut’a marriage [temporary pleasure marriage] – and those amongst them
who express solidarity with the problem of women … keep silent
regarding basic issues such as the adult’s freedom to maintain any
relationship with anyone he wishes, and to be master of his own body,
heart, face, hands, and tongue.
“You can barely find amongst them anyone who will move past the
preoccupation with the veil and scarf, and with the prohibited and the
permitted, to the simplest thing of all: To praise the beauty of the
bare face and unbound hair, and the virtue of short handsome garments
that do not distort the shape of the body nor restrict its movement…”
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